Monday, September 22, 2008

Someone's got a case of the Mondays...

Not much to talk about for today. We have a performance tomorrow night in one of the theatres in town. The event is sponsored by this group called Nausika, which, well...I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I think it essentially consists of groups of artists and art supporters. Anyway, the ADA has done a lpt in the past with them, and they invited us to do some stuff tomorrow night. We're doing about 15 minutes each of movement and voice work- so 30 minutes total. I think for voice we're singing a song andplaying aroudn with that, then for movement our professor asked me and Liza to do our movement duet, which is really excting. The entire class is doing something together, but there are only 2 other duets, and 4 people are doing solo movement work, so I feel really honored to have been chosen. I know it's only a small performance, but a) it's exciting to be getting onto a stage and b) it's wonderful knowing that the amount of work I'm putting into class is being recognized and appreciated.

Additionaly, I forgot to mention that we started Commedia last week. We're working with two people on Commedia, Marcello and Michella, both of whom speak little English- Michella actually speaks a fair amount, but Marcello knows about two words (one of which is "stop"- we hear that one a lot). Despite this, I've actually been surprised with how well I've been able to understand them, although responding to them is compeltely different! I'm glad though, since my goal was to be nearly fluent by the end of the semester, and I think that if I'm at the pint tha I'm at now I may very well be able to reach that.

On a compeltely different note, my computer/internet has been on the fritz lately, so pictures are in the process of being posted. Webshots may be up by the end of the night, but Facebook keeps wimping out so Lord knows when those will be up.

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.

~ William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act IV Scene i

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